The great Don Miller, holding David Vincent's car, with David Pearson's 21!
Valve Cover Racing Rules
Construction of the Racer
- No engine, propulsion or moving weights. Gravity is your friend.
- The racer must me made rom an automobile or pickup gasoline engine valve cover.
- The valve cover must retain its entire original gasket-sealing surface.
- The racer can have a chassis, but the chassis cannot be inter-changed with any other valve cover body after it is registered for that day's race.
- Nothing may extend beyond the gasket surface on the front of the racer.
- There must be a total of four wheels, either inside or outside the valve cover.
- There must be a non-metallic wheel surface contacting the track.
- The racer must be clean (no sludge) If the racer drips oil or grease, it is disqualified.
- The racer must have a permanent number affixed to the surface.
- The racer dimensions are as follows:
Maximum Length: 30 inches
Maximum Width: 10 inches
Maximum Height: 10 inches
Maximum Weight: 10 pounds
Maximum Wheel Diameter: 6 inches
Rules for the Track and Race
- The judge's decision is final.
- The track will consist of twolanes with each lane 13 inches wide.
- Release pin is 1 3/4 inches from track to top of pin.
- The judge or his designate will release the racers from a countdown of "three" at which time both pins will be released.
- If a racer interferes with another car, it loses that round.
- If a racer is hampered by a track problem, they get another run.
- If there is a tech issue, the judge's decision is final.
- Cars will be run in heats of two.
- The first car to have its wheels cross the finish line is the winner.
- If neither car advances to the finish line, the car going the furthest wins.
- The racing will be double elimination for the top trophy.
2012 Valve Cover Champion

Mike Larson proudly accepts his trophy for his winning valve cover car!